Pistachio Crusted Cobia with Brown Butter

Pistachio Crusted Cobia with Brown Butter





4 Cobia filets skin-off

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon Agave

2 tablespoons Clarified butter

½ cup American pistachio kernels

¼ cup Panko breadcrumbs

2 tablespoons Italian flat leaf parsley (Reserve small amount for garnish)

¼ pound Unsalted butter

Kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste


Place butter in sauce pan over low heat until a light brown color develops. Strain through cheesecloth or coffee filter. Preheat oven to 375⁰F. In blender pulse pistachios, breadcrumbs and parsley until coarsely chopped. Mix dijon mustard and agave. Season both sides of cobia with salt and pepper. Heat sauté pan with clarified butter on medium high heat. Sear top side of cobia for 3-4 minutes and remove from pan and place on baking sheet pan. Let cobia cool slightly. Brush seared side of cobia with dijon and agave. Roll pistachio bread crumb mixture on dijon and agave. Bake cobia at 375⁰F for 5-7 minutes or until internal temp is 140⁰F. Serve with brown butter on the bottom of the plate. Garnish with parsley. Let rest for 5 minutes. Enjoy.


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